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Macintosh Connectivity



K-AShare, AppleShare file server software for workstations, ia atransparent, convenient implementation of AFP, the Apple Filing Protocol,which allows a UNIX host to act as an Appleshare server for Macintoshusers. To access K-AShare, a Macintosh user goes into the Chooser,selects a network zone and then selects AppleShare. K-AShare appears asan AppleShare icon on the desktop. The icon can be opened and read,copied, moved, trashed, or launched exactly as a local file, thusmaintaining the familiar, intuitive Macintosh environment.While Macintosh users see nothing different, the network benefits from anumber of UNIX features. Access to files on the host conforms tostandard UNIX system security with login validation and file accesspermissions enforced. In addition, a UNIX host can itself be a client toremote NFS file servers and can act as a gateway, making even remotefiles transparently accessible to Macintosh users.The AppleShare client software shipped with every Macintosh is the onlyclient software necessary.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.2

2560 9th St Suite 312
Berkeley, CA 94710
Phone: (510) 845-0555
Fax: (510) 644-2680